Wrist, Hand and Elbow Unit

CLÍNICA CEMTRO’s Hand Unit have developed leading techniques in upper limb and hand treatments such as hand microsurgery and wrist arthroscopy

Wrist, Hand and Elbow Unit

CLÍNICA CEMTRO’s Hand Unit have developed leading techniques in upper limb and hand treatments such as hand microsurgery and wrist arthroscopy, both of which enable treating the most common ailments for this joint (carpal tunnel syndrome, scapholunate dissociation…) with the most unhostile procedures.

The treatment of these injuries requires extensive anatomical knowledge and high-precision surgery.

Full joint replacements are also recently becoming a common event (wrist implants) which provides mobility to those joints which were seriously affected, as in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Wrist, Hand and Elbow Team

Head of Service

Dra. Marta Guillén Vicente

Members of the team

Dr. Daniel Marín Guijarro
Dra. Ana de la Torre Combarros
Dra. Blanca Ariño Palao
All the traumatologists



Certificacion Calidad Cemtro

Clínica CEMTRO renueva sus certificados de calidad

Clínica CEMTRO ha renovado la certificación en el sistema de gestión de la calidad por la Norma ISO 9001:2015 en 21 servicios y en sus 5 Unidades especializadas de Traumatología.  Esta certificación garantiza la atención homogénea y de calidad en estos…
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